“Wait here,” Dany told Ser Jorah. “Tell them all to stay. Tell them I command it.”

The knight smiled. Ser Jorah was not a handsome man, yet his smiles gave Dany comfort. “You are learning to talk like a queen, Daenerys.”

“Not a queen,” said Dany. “A khaleesi.”

28 183

"ghosts," irri muttered. "terrible ghosts. we must not stay here, khaleesi, this is their place."

"i fear no ghosts. dragons are more powerful than ghosts." 

art credit: https://t.co/CqOK4EOkhK

19 53

Khaleesi mit Spielmaus
Tusche Zeichnung A5
Ist leider 1 Jahr alt über die Regenbogenbrücke gegangen

3 12

“all kneel for daenerys stormborn, the unburnt, queen of meereen, queen of the andals and the rhoynar and the first men, khaleesi of the great grass sea, breaker of shackles, and mother of dragons,” missandei called.

art credit: https://t.co/kGMzZKq3dz

12 56

Now without polydactylism! x///x

A lockscreen for as part of our trade!

I had lots of fun with this summer-beach setting and her character Khaleesi. Super proud of how it turned out! ^_^

If you like it too RTs would mean a TON to me! Thank you!!

16 64

Deep breath; Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. Call me Dany! 😁

10 37

My Elder Northern Amaru Khaleesi. Designed by

7 45

D: Jorah Mormont, are you being a naughty bear and checking me out?
J: Why, of course not, khaleesi! I'm just admiring the view.

Later ...
J: Khaleesi?! Wha... what are you doing here?
D: Nothing. Just admiring the view.

1 4

A year ago, this wonderful show ended with an unsatisfying conclusion... still, that will not take away how much Dany has inspired and empowered me🔥🔥🔥

1 6

4 pics that expose my taste in men and women... per 's request.

NOTE: Khaleesi before the final season thx...

0 6

Uma das encomendas que fiz dos retratinhos PET foi da Khaleesi, essa fofa que ama um chinelo e tem muuuuuitas bolinhas de tênis que ela adora brincar <3 To abrindo novamente as encomendas, então se você quiser um desenho do seu bixin cola aqui ó https://t.co/KyrMBHUtuv

0 1

Carolyn of the House Martens, First of Her Name, the Spock of KE, Queen of the MI6 and the all the Men, Khaleesi of Russian Desk, Breaker of Geraldines, and Mother of Rats

1 43

Proyecto Gloria Fuentes - Brain aneurysm - Khaleesi - Ilustra disecciones https://t.co/V44XZEFsHQ

2 3

you have a dragon’s eye, khaleesi, that is plain to see.

art credit: https://t.co/RA0nQAWdN8

40 187

D: Well, my bearest, I guess we'll just have to be creative, then.
J: I love being creative with you, khaleesi!

1 4

Khaleesi: Yeah I know her character turned to s#!t by the end of . But she's still so fine!

0 2

if you guys have ever wanted to buy anything from me OR support your friendly neighborhood Khaleesi in these trying times HAVE I GOT AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU:

14 36

J: Khaleesi?
D: Not now, Jorah. Pleeease!
J: Alright then. I guess you're not interested in the latest news.
D: Not really, no. But no doubt you're going to tell me all about it anyway.
J: Well, khaleesi, I'm positive.

0 1