Ilustración y diseño para cartel y flyer del KUARTOLEGUA FEST 2022 ➡️➡️
9 / 10 / 11 iraila · septiembre
Zizur Nagusia / Zizur Mayor


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I also have some character illustrations of the characters from the sequel, a fantasy romance novella 'Tiriyanin's Riddles. Here's Emperor Tiriyanin & Skaraila "Darhjia" (orchid) and Tiriyanin's mother Empress Alya "Avija" art by .

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Here are the MCs of my fantasy 'Tiriyanin's Riddles': Emperor Tiriyanin & Skaraila "Darhija" (orchid). Tiriyanin is mixed race, his mother Empress Alya is black and a native of the desert province of Niralis. art by

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' II: Ainhoa' -en eskutik urriaren 6an; filmaren aurkezpena irailak 23 Hego Euskal Herriko zinemetan irailaren 30etik aurrera eta azaroaren 16tik Iparraldean. -ri elkarrizketa -n

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Abycine Lanzak zabaldutako deialdietan izena emateko azken egunak!

Irailaren 29tik urriaren 2ra, Albacete

➖‘Impulso CMM Abycine Lanza Proyectos’: ekainak 30era arte izen emateak.
➖‘Impulso Albacete Que No Es Poco’: ekainak 30era arte izen emateak


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Cartoon for when the kettle or pot call each other 'black' over

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Illustrations of folk costumes by Nino Brailashvili

East Georgian: Kartlian peasant, craftsman, and merchant; upper class Kartlians; Ingiloy couple

Georgian highlander: Tush, Khevsur, Svan, Rachian

West Georgian: Mingrelian, Gurian, Imeretian, Adjarian

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Big smooch for best waifu ❤️😚

🌱 ❤️‍🔥

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Fresh out of the clone machine! 🧬👑

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