29 Apr 1776 Montreal, Canada. Benjamin Franklin leads a delegation including Samuel Chase & Charles Carroll to encourage Canadians to desert the crown. The Canadians, mostly French Catholics demurred as the Protestant Americans were long-standing enemies.

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29 Apr1775 Richmond, VA. a large force of 700 men at Fredericksburg was persuaded by Gov Peyton Randolph not to march on Williamsburg after Gov Murray threatens to burn the city to the ground & to release all slaves.

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26 Apr 1783 NYC. The last 7,000 Loyalists depart the city. In all, some 100,000 left for Canada or Europe during the their property was confiscated. The British government establishes a commission that pays 3.3M pounds in claims & damages.

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24 Apr 1781 Camden, SC. Gen Nathanael Greene encamps his army of 1,500 continentals on Hobkirk Hill, just 2 miles from the British garrison in the city. His plan is to rest his veteran troops prior to an attack on Lt Col Rawdon’s forces.

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24 Apr 1781, British Gen William Phillips lands on the banks of the James River at City Port, VA. He joins forces with British Gen Benedict Arnold, the former American general & notorious traitor, to attack the town of Petersburg, some 12 miles distant.

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23 Apr 1778 King of Prussia, PA. American Gen Charles Lee is formally exchanged for Gen Richard Prescott. Lee denigrates Gen Washington & goes to Congress to complain about other officers promoted over him.

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16 Apr 1778 Portsmouth, England. Members of the Carlisle Committee depart for North America accompanied by the new 2nd in command of British forces, Gen Lord Charles Cornwallis.

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12 Apr 1782 Vengeance-seeking Loyalists hang NJ militia officer Joshua Huddy for the death of Loyalist Phillip White. In retaliation, Gen Washington selects captured British officer Capt Charles Asgill to hang.

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10 Apr 1780 Charleston, SC. American Gen Benjamin Lincoln decides not to slip his forces from the noose tightening around the city. When the 1st series of parallels (trenches) is complete British Gen Henry Clinton calls for surrender. He refuses.

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2 April 1776, NYC Continental Congress members Benjamin Franklin, Charles Carroll & Samuel Chase sail up the North (Hudson) River for Montreal. Their mission was to convince Canada to join America’s Independence movement and become the 14th colony.

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30 Mar 1778 Continental Congress stipulates Gen Charles Lee & Ethan Allen be exchanged for British Gen Richard Prescott. Also that Loyalists serving in British Army be treated as traitors. This abrogates Gen Washington’s earlier agreement with Gen Howe.

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16 Mar 1778 London. Parliament authorizes Earl of Carlisle, Frederick Howard to head a peace commission to Philadelphia. He is given wide authority to negotiate directly and to acquiesce to all American demands – except independence.

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13 Mar 1778 London. French ambassador informs Secy of State Thomas Thynne of Treaty of commerce & Amity between France & US nearly arranged. PM Lord North recalls the British ambassador from Paris & informs Gen Henry Clinton.

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12 Mar 1776 Baltimore A public notice in local papers recognizing the sacrifice of women to the cause of the revolution. The notice urged others to recognize women's contributions on the battlefield, in camps, on the march, and in cities, towns & farms.

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11 March 1776 Cambridge MA, Gen Washington forms his personal guard. Learn more about this unique unit, in my Yankee Doodle Spies Blog post, the Life Guard. https://t.co/C0FuowcOfS

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6 Mar 1770 Boston, MA. 5K angry citizens led by Samuel Adams gathered the day after the "Massacre" & resolved "nothing could be expected to restore peace & prevent carnage, but an immediate removal of troops." The troops were removed before sunset.

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5 Mar 1780 Charleston SC. In preparation for a British attack on the port city, Gov John Rutledge employs 600 slaves to construct earthworks and stonework dubbed, “The Citadel.” It would be the site of a future military academy of the same name.

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5 Mar 1770 Boston Massacre explodes in a midnight confrontation when a mob storms a British guard post under Capt Thomas Preston. Guards fire on mob killing 5 colonials & wounding 8. Becomes a rallying point against “oppression” in pamphlets, posters, etc.

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1 Mar 1776 Commodore Esek Hopkins’s squadron gathers off the island of Abaco in the Bahamas in preparation for an attack on New Providence on Nassau.

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28 Feb 1781 Fort Watson SC. Gen Thomas Sumter’s frontal assault repulsed with over 50 casualties. His 3rd defeat in a month weakens morale & increases desertion.

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