Another and this time the line between loyal and rebel blurs with Narek of the Word, also known as Narek the Traitor.

0 21

Reposting Saul surprise-licking Lucius. Because pre-Heresy are giving me life. And especially Lucius and Saul.

4 25

I've got another suggestion for a horrible t-shirt for Lucius.
Suggestive shirts and go together like kimchi and cream.
The Dark Prince is pleased with their champion.

2 24

I got a beautiful suggestion for another horrible t-shirt for Lucius!
I'm so glad the "Emperor's Children have an outrageous taste in workout shirts"-trend is catching on.

0 20

A space marine I've been working on for longer than I'd like to admit. Used it to test color schemes for my custom chapter.

4 26

I want a consisting of Salamanders, Space Wolves .. and That One Black Templar.
It would be so much fun!

3 24

Still in
Hey, I like Nick Kyme. And he gave me "Salamander with beard". I never thought of them as a Legion fancying facial hair. Or hair at all.

2 16

hello everyone! Today is a preview! I will bring the consul representing Rome. He will defend the city during alpha's raid!

0 3


15 Uhr gehts los. Schnacken & essen, später schaun wir in 2 Games

- Martial Arts + Story

- XCom Style SpaceMarine Strategie

(keys gestellt)

…und Abends

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