Don't listen to others, no matter who they are. Life is about dreams and passion. Follow that. Commit to that. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My book cover ✌️

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Writer's block only exists in your head if you believe in it and let it take over. It's not a real thing, but a weakness in you. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My book cover ✌️

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Focus entirely on your art, on your situation, on your behavior. Stay in that world, leave the rest. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My book cover ✌️

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Anxiety is you worrying about what could go wrong. Let it go, and focus on what could go right instead. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My book cover ✌️

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The way out of depression is to keep on creating, in whatever you do. Put all your energy in new ideas every day. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My book cover ✌️

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You are what you do, not what you wish, not what you feel. Your daily habits lead you to success or not. Make the best habits. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My book cover ✌️

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Your mental health is everything in life. If you don't take care of your mind, don't expect any feelings of inspiration and success. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My cover ✌️

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What makes you a better artist is to find plot holes or problems, and then find a way to fix them without quitting. Push yourself. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My cover ✌️

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Write down any ideas that come to mind, but focus on your current work. Immerse yourself in that world you're creating. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My cover ✌️

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What you think on a daily basis is what you attract.
If you think frustration, you'll attract accordingly. Choose right daily. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My cover ✌️

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We all carry our burdens. Use yours to create and become unique. Don't escape your past, but use it to build yourself. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My cover ✌️

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Let no one bring you down. Learn to accept bad reviews, criticism, and whatever life gives you. Use all to be better. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My cover ✌️

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Don't get upset. It doesn't help you. Just keep working. Put all energy in the work ahead. Here's a to serve you 🙏


I'll start. My cover ✌️

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Say Hi, tell us your genre, accomplishments, goals, or your and Retweet for others to take part. Come and enjoy the spotlight!

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It's and here's mine - the humble cyclops. What's your monster of the day? Reply with your scariest beast...


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You get up, dust yourself off and keep going. Life is the greatest mystery to be discovered. Let's celebrate with a
Share your art 🥳


I'll start with my (book cover)

0 5

You get up, dust yourself off and keep going. Life is the greatest mystery to be discovered. Let's celebrate with a
Share your art 🥳


I'll start with my (book cover)

0 1

You get up, dust yourself off and keep going. Life is the greatest mystery to be discovered. Let's celebrate with a
Share your art 🥳


I'll start with my (book cover)

2 1

You get up, dust yourself off and keep going. Life is the greatest mystery to be discovered. Let's celebrate with a
Share your art 🥳


I'll start with my (book cover)

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A version of one of my MCs - Tenchi Shimizu, from my Knights of Avalon series.
Share your commissioned MC art in the comments below with a link to your work!

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