Say hello to a quick Arch-Revenant of the Sylvaneth drawing! Couldn't make my mind up on the colors so here's both!

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Working on the next stage of the Shadowmarsh campaign for the coming year. Often we do a new year new army but here I thought maybe people might like to construct warbands focused on the Har Kuron/Anvilgard stories in Broken Realms. Anyone interested?

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Here’s my current batch of WIP Karak Reclaimer (Duardin Coalition City) warscrolls with a Kharardron Focus. Feedback always welcome

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Thanks to a fantastic paintover of my Bugmansson war-sled by here’s my Christmas model in his final form

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'The Crusade Fleets' Jaime Martinez Gallery Canvas 700x280mm. Crusade fleets are the greatest undertaking by the Human race since the Great Crusade departed Terra ten thousand years before

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Finished some more models for my warband! Even old Johan got to feature as the units “musician”. Well I bet he’s making plenty of noise 🤷🏻‍♂️

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yet another warband, 2 more Beastgrave Warbands to go :) wanted to get them all done before the next session came out on well

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Something a lil different now, with the Warmom- I mean Warmonger from For Honor!

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One of our customers loves to really push our fine detail process to its limits. These will likely render out at 0.01mm which I'm told is really really really tiny. Like small!

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LW really said “give the Warmongers alts where they have a little clothing as possible”

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i really be like "the warmongers guild is just ok i don't see much of a reason to care about it roster-wise" and then they go ahead and introduce these characters

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Sketch for today. Koleen, Mighty Lord of Khorne. With Eight-Wrath her exalted axe in hand she leads the murderous forces of the Lashing Scorpions, brass plated bloodbound that plague Hysh.

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Guys I think Life Wonders likes the Warmongers but I'm not sure.

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For this week’s I present The Dread Pageant.
I worried the scheme wouldn’t work but y’know the whole cacophony of colours deal went quite well

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2/ This prosecution is politically motivated. The US wants to hide its horrendous record of murder, rape & torture of innocent civilians like ElMasri .
It does not want to be embarrassed for the incompetence & warmongering that destroyed entire nations.

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I don’t know who these necromunda guys are, but they look awesome 👏

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I had this idea that instead of Sethos' abuse making Reese grow to be a tired, apathetic ruler, it turns her into an angry, bloodthirsty warmonger.

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Good afternoon my fellow Princeps.

So that’s my Lance of Knights all finished, might do some but not at the moment as I’m all knighted out.

I’m sure that I’ll be back onto Titans soon. 😊

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