One Day Matched Play Event in Newcastle Upon Tyne on January 20th. Full Details -

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My Doom Bull is ready to lead the Warherd 🐮🐮🐮

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I name this piece: "An Ode to the Dryads".

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Painting again some Stormcasts, love the esthetic of shield and javelin on the prosecutors

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Latest in the sylvaneth series is up at Warhammer Community: (+ featured conversion is by )

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Time to have a quick look at some tasty releases for tomorrow

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There wasn't sufficient magic in my Tzeentch army - up until now :D

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Mine and Nurgle armies ready for the doubles GT 😊

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Is it just me, or did the Emperor create the Mark X Tacticus Armour face plates using Morghast Archai codpieces?

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Finished 1st set of gryphchargers. Thanks for the sweet deals.

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Quick warpriest for only 9 models left until my silver tower set is complete!

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Capital City Blood Bath 2017! Going to be a great time.

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Calling all I need your pictures. Become part of Battletome: The End times. Help me celebrate the Old World

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My Easter present to myself - doing yesterday nothing else then painting this nice guy :D

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3 Crazy Games of today! 4 6s in a row stomped Mannfred dead, Kroots turned to Seraphon and Khorne got beat up for the lady

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My first piece of terrain in over 12 years!

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