10月10日 美墨なぎさ誕生日 - 晴れときどき涙~さくらのASD育児日記〜 https://t.co/4W81dPvZjr

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Happy folks!
I’m a trans bisexual ASD artist! Living my life one messy day at a time lol

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ASDです たぶんADHDぽさもあり?
パニック障害あり 自分でもわかってないこと多数あり

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asd;fladskfj only if you have the time!! Big floof and big floof tail reporting for cuddle duty!! thank u so much for the chance!! ✨✨

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10 year old Tristan’s artwork, The Fancy Mum and Her Baby will be part of a new exhibition under the theme of love and loss. Tristan has ASD and his art opened communication with his mum.

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Week visually in a picture. Ups, downs and everything in-between showing my emotions and feelings. Thank you.

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Just a sketch of my emotions today. First day of teaching after summer. Andrew

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Hi, I’m Christine. I’m a 44 year old trans woman (ASD, ADHD). I’m a mother to three wonderful girls and I recently started drawing again.

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Thankyou Over,10000 For,No.43

橙矢様 グリコ様 asd様 Mikage様

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dibujo rapidote pa la y su nueva skin asd

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Torrent of energy and activity likely before I just can't focus on anything clearly and shutdown or meltdown. My drawings read like a timeline (left to right) building into a crescendo and flurry of emotions.

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My son Maxim (aged 4) loves anything medical. "Let's draw a brain and dreams daddy". Daddy top of page. Maxim's work bottom of page. Love the contrast not sure what it shows?

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'Shuting down'. The power of my inner voice is far greater than the will of others to silence it by humiliating me. I can't sit in silence anymore.Imagine what it feels for a child who does not understand growing up autistic.

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Visually a shutdown or meltdown for me. How difficult and scarry it is as a child or teenager not knowing what is going on or understanding and not being to verbalise it to anybody

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