L is for Luminara Unduli!

I had a lot of submissions for L, but after going through them all, I really wanted to draw a character that I’ve never drawn before and learn a bit more about them.

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D is for Dollie (my clown bby) and the Devil! Had two for this letter!

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K is for K-2SO!

Awesome looking droid?
AND voice by Alan Tudyk?
Heck yeah you knew they were gonna be in this.

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3/28 (Yeah, I'm not good at counting😅) C is for Canela (Isabelle in English), from Animal Crossing!

Any suggestions for D?

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J is for Jabba the Hutt!

I’m not gonna lie, this was probably the toughest one of the bunch. I mean, how do you put a 3000 lb slug worm in a tiny box?!

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Let's start this new adventure! Who should I draw for B? 👀

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I is for IG-11!

I enjoyed the character in the Mandolorian. I honestly forgot their were five of these bots floating around, except for IG-88. No one forgets IG-88....

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2/27: B is for Boruto, from Boruto series!

I accept suggestions for C!

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Empezamo esto.
Primer personaje: Ana de Sinestésia. Comic de
Voy a intentar restringirme a un personaje por franquicia/comic/serie/etc.

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H is for Hux! General Hux that is.

This was a character in would have enjoyed learning more about

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