Last of the year, 23: JungleMojyamon

A tropical variation of the cold Mojyamon.
Its very territorial, as it sees his land as sacred, and will attack anyone that steps on it.

3 5

Random request of a Half-orc monk for /tg/

1 3

13: Piddomon/PIdmon.

A two-winged variation of Angemon.
His special attack is using his feathers as blazing projectiles.

12 21

11: Bearmon.
One of the three "starters" in Digimon World 3.

A bear like digimon who uses a blue cap backwards as his trademark.

7 8

Im super behind, but Ill try to keep up this weekend.

6: Lone Pine Mountain Devil.

5 7

10: Koemon/Monmon

One of the 3 "starters" from Digimon World 3.
A monkey digimon with strength enough to carry a slingshot as big as himself.

5 10

Reward para por cafecitos.
Si les interesa un dibu así pasensé por acá y me avisan.

0 2

5: Ropen.
Native to Papua New Guinea, it is thought to be either a giant bat, or a Pterosaur.

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