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Today is Winter Solstice, an important festival in #HongKong. Dear #HongKongers & all freedom loving fighters, pls stay safe. Kindly also pray for our brothers & sisters who are in exile, in jail or even in heaven 🖐️☝️
#StandWithHongKong #save12hkyouths #BringThemBack #democracy
@SenRubioPress Thank you Sen Rubio.
Hope more of the free world will wake up and recognise the evilness of China.
HKers have been fighting for democracy and freedom we should have, but now the tyranny stifled us even more.
We need your voice to speak for us.
My cartoon on Ted Cruz @tedcruz killing the bill giving Hongkongers special refugee status.
共和党参议院克鲁兹(Senator Ted Cruz) 阻挠对香港提供特别难民身份的法案。
@hkfp @kerokero_HKer #Hongkonger is under #HumanitarianCrisis now :(
Pls dont give up #HK in this big crisis, #HKer not surrender!
Still fighting for justice, #HumanRight & democracy!
Dear world, #StandWithHK!
#リトルサンダー 巡回展示を心斎橋パルコにて24日より開催いたします。渋谷パルコ Gallery Xでの展示作品33点に加えて、本展の為に描いた5点とライブストリーミングで描いた2点を追加展示販売いたします!初日の入場予約(抽選)→ https://t.co/9XDUJkUXiH
@RepJohnCurtis @kerokero_HKer @senjudiciary @marcorubio #Hongkonger is under #HumanitarianCrisis now :(
Pls dont give up #HK in this big crisis, #HKer not surrender!
Still fighting for justice, #HumanRight & democracy!
Dear world, #StandWithHK!
@SenatorMenendez Thank you, china continue raping #hongkong, they destroy HK
@SenatorMenendez Thank you so much Sen Menendez.
Hong Kong is no longer protected by Sino British Declaration. People are criminalized for fighting for democracy, many had to flee.
Stay or leave, Hongkongers will continue to #FightForFreedom.
US plz
#StandWithHongKong, pass the act!
@SenatorDurbin I m moved by your words Sen Durbin💛🥺 Thank you for supporting Hongkongers.
Hong Kong is the best example of why we should never trust China.
Laws are distorted, election is postponed, dissents are criminalised with endless police brutality...
US pls #StandWithHongKong!
@SenRubioPress So true!! Actions speak louder than words, taking real actions are more important than just tweeting, I hope the Congress can take actions to #StandWithHongKong 🙏🏾 thank you Sen Rubio🙏🏾😭
@SenatorDurbin Thank you so much Senator Durbin for #StandWithHongKong 🙏🏾you’re right, what #HKers need is legislation that can help us, not just words.🙏🏾
#save12hkyouths #BoycottCCP #CCP_is_terrorist
@CapX Under National security law nothing is impossible, china is raping us
@DavidAltonHL The unprecedented oppression in #HongKong has become #CCP's proud achievement amid its failing economy detrimental to its rule. Likely the oppression will continue and intensify regardlessly.
Stances of superpowers like the US are vital.
After such a long preparation my store is finally here!
->> https://t.co/rkocePj3Oz <<-
All the items are having a limited stock. I hope you guys will enjoy them! I'm using HongKong Post for shipping, tracking is included and I hope they won't take too long to arrive! :3
@IvanStefanec Thank you so much to #StandWithHongKong. We will not be scared with such draconian #NSL and won’t be silenced. #FightAgainstTyranny