# articolo ilsignoredeglianelli dipinto thelordoftherings tolkien leggere scrivoarte 3aprile peterjackson cinema tolkienmovie art books lettura libri soloquandoascolti music ianmckellen oscars sinfoniedamore 1aprile dumbo disney 28marzo magic disneylandparis tv arts elephants circo circus family timburton dumbomovie dumboth dumboplush 27marzo book love animation painting david2019 sosoloche conunaletteradellalfabeto gandalf lordoftherings vivalalettura film movie 26marzo hobbit tuesdaymotivation scritturebrevi ventaglidiparole mondodiversi outsiderart poesiaintweet poesiamo cyrano gerarddepardieu stevemartin darylhannah teatro poesia roxanne cyranodebergerac giornatamondialedellapoesia 21marzo unpezzodi primavera spring aldamerini conilverbosapere reforme eilya_tahamtani pen paper nowruz pig نوروز۹۸ illustrations iran flying contemporarypainting ایلیا_تهمتنی authors artvsartist artshare artlover life youcandoit fabriziofrizzi toystory toys 20marzo leggerechepassione internationaldayofhappiness giornatamondialedellafelicita enascosto ariel thelittlemermaid mermaids ocean mare andersen copenaghen festadelpapà festadelpapa2019 marejonio sangiuseppe fathersday tuesdaythoughts father conilverboscommettere felizdiadelpadre arthistory artlovers donneinarte museum culture arteyart donneamiche artwit ontheblog artnouveau untitled reformed dailyart paintings drawings philosophy documentary contemporary author artistsontwitter breakingnews arte lifestory lohobbit illustrazione thehobbit bard lukeevans tolkie 10marzo domenica sunday fantasy elfo buonadomenica donneinartet carnaval carnival andrélhote march5 carnivalinart carnevale illustrationart crime contemporaryhome artvsartist2019 lifeline artsy

Raccolgo cielo
con mani a coppa
e occhi senza fame,
suoi inafferrabili insegnamenti,
istruzioni per tornare vivi,
qualunque tempo faccia.

Chandra Livia Candiani

7 10

Alphonse Mucha – The Seasons (As Estações), 1896
I wish you all a wonderful and beautiful week 😍

7 10

Pierre-Auguste Renoir – The White Pierrot (Jean Renoir) / Jean-Antoine Watteau - Pierrot / Pablo Picasso - Portrait of Paulo as Pierrot / Guillaume Seignac - Pierrot's Embrace

10 12

"To use colour well is as difficult as for a fish to pass from water to air or earth."

~Hommage à Watteau, 1918~

(by Canvass Tube Art Gallery)

10 14