TODO MUNDO já passou por isso em uma call gringa mano

se vc nunca passou, aguarde

12 80

Dedico essa arte a você com todo o carinho
Espero que sua vida seja tudo, e que só conquistas te aguardem nessa trajetória
Feliz aniversário🎉🎉🎉

5 14

A vai tatuar isso em mim daqui a pouco.. aguardem.

0 5

Heute wurden einige Karten der bald erscheinenden Weg des Champs gezeigt. Darunter befinden sich unter anderem Lucario-V und Guardevoir-VMAX. Welche Karten erwartet ihr noch in diesem Set?
Eine Setliste findet ihr hier:

0 9

Albone Sandow
- owns a flip phone and pager but never answers either
- stoic and sarcastic
- he’s a good guy he’s just very guarded
- hates sweets (esp jello) except for salt water taffy 👌
- also likes soda
- has a St. Bernard named Anastasia and a calico cat named Nikolai

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Many have wandered into the rainforest's stony labyrinth. And few have returned. The misty winds brush against the moss. As if reciting a tune. One with the strength to lure even the most guarded of souls.

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Maia, is around 19-20, and a Libra.

She's normally rather stoic and heavily guarded until you get to know her, and it takes a while to trust you fully, but when she does, she's a sassy little bean and will fight anyone to the death for your honour! (1/?)

0 4

Hoje amigos, nós vencemos mlkkkk
Queria agradecer de verdade todo mundo que me segue e me apoia nesse projeto maluco, ainda vou pensar em algo bacana pra fazer então me aguardem
Um obrigado especial a por ter dado aquela divulgada

1 25

When talking prognosis with patients, ask yourself “Am I using vague language?” What do “grim, poor, limited, and guarded” mean in terms of real-life timetables?

126 303

Rifo un cosito de estos para que lo guarden durante 10 años y se hagan habboricos. DAR RT Y FOLLOW DURA 48 HRS🤖🤖🤖

162 57

The most beautiful part to loving someone with a guarded heart is this ...

When they let you in, it's not because they need you. It's because they want you. They want to be part of your life. And that -- that is the purest love of all ...❤✨

29 84

in the end I identified the most with the character that had the least pretense or guardedness about his enthusiasms

1 11

Ei guys uma atualização ja q é final do mês sobre Worlds Collided

Segunda temporada- estou no Meio do Ep3 Ainda.

GIBI OFFICIAL DE WC-Yes Hoje eu vou mandar a Capa do Gibi pra todos verem como esta, Ainda tem 5 páginas para fazer mas ainda vai sair esse ano aguardem...

5 18

<Day 1: Favourite OC>

Character: Halsien
He's a polite, calm yet guarded ice wizard who spends most of his free time studying monsters in their natural habitats~

I admire his ability to handle things in a composed manner, and be a dependable friend!

11 44

Hoy salí de trabajar temprano, por lo que quise regresar caminando, en el camino escuchamos a esta pequeña gatita maullando y fuimos a ayudarla ✨ pobrecita, tenía la patita mal... Mi guardespaldas tomó la foto.
¡Ahora mismo la llevaremos al veterinario!

10 61

Un bebé Gaga yvy 💕✨
Ufff,, por fin lo acabé (uvu;)
Hice un , de un dibujo que hizo de Gaga, en uno de sus streams y pues le hice captura y lo guarde;; y ya que hoy es él estreno del cap 1 del webtoon, pues era mi oportunidad ùwú xd;;

36 266

eu n gostei mt de como ficou mas vou largar aqui pra quem se interessar
eu fiz o cesar carioca festa em ipanema meu amor da att da mestra
eu to fazendo uns desenhos mais legais dessa att 👀 aguardem.

71 589

"O Preço da Vida"

O EP já começa deixando claro q, pra quem tava desconfiando da Beatrice, rlx o cu aí!!!
Se for pra duvidar de alguém... desconfia do palhaço!
E guardem essa informação: "livro da sabedoria"

1 4

Now we got Eamon, who recently found Jesus and is now a Wizard/Cleric. He joined EXCLUSIVELY because the Captain was worried we'd all die because we were scattered and had no true goal. He's very guarded and was the one most effected(sans Kap) by another member Rog's death.

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guarded by swan

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