Updated Gunvolt palette references in

4.Hard Mode Gunvolt
8.Girl from Luminous Avenger iX

15 32

Celebrating the 3peat of with some art. (Based on a cover) - I know it’ll only happen in another timeline, but a directed with Henry Golding and as Lois would rock the stratosphere.

4 10

Day 14: Space Witch - 🎵across the stratosphere/a final message, "magic's freaking cool!"/then nothing more..🎵

13 39

Un poco más tarde de lo habitual pero aquí estamos, con los restratos 3D de Guzz Soares - https://t.co/zZ8oq4Ixmo

1 9

Day3 at#SCUAR
👉🏼tour of JSC’s &
👉🏼testing our payloads on the
👉🏼Finalizing payloads & predictions
👉🏼Interacting with the Public at

0 8

Some recent LN ebook releases:
Abilities Average - 2
Magic in this Other World - 3
Infinite Stratos - 2
Outbreak Company - 4

3 7

Der Infinite Stratos von Homura Yūki wird bis nächstes Jahr eine Pause einlegen. Der auf Light Novels basierende Manga startete 2013. Ein Grund wurde nicht dafür angegeben.

0 8

La adaptación al de detendrá su publicación hasta el próximo año https://t.co/FCD13XsLnd

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