Astor is a commanding officer at the Galactic Federation headquarter on Sirius B and also a member of the Solar Cross.

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Three powerful Federation Commanders including Ashtar Sheran himself.

Did I mention that you can also get Ashtar coffee mugs now at:

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The Orion Empire is a nefarious group from the Orion constellation hellbent on dominating the universe. 👾👾👾

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GOR-ED is the thelepathic liaison working with KOR as well as he's a member of the Solar Cross.


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The Akonowai are a beautiful and coloful race of Sirians from the 3rd planet of Sirius B.

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The first volume of SKY GODZ graphic novel series called "Disclosure" will be soon serialized on LINE Webtoon and the full version on Patreon (www.patreon.con/skygodz)

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This specific race of Zeta Greys is very advanced in hybridization and established the Essassini colonies.

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Recreation of an ancient Olmec artifact looking an awful lot like an astronaut in some kind of a vessel.

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Three powerful Federation Commanders including Ashtar himself from SKY GODZ Season 1 in one epic post.
Did I mention that you can aldo get coffee mugs now at:

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Candor is 700-year old commander of the Galactic Federation spacehip Azelda. She's originally from the third star of the Pleiades.

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Hatonn is the reptilian commander of the 7th fleet (Ashtar Command) and the official record keeper for the Federation (in the Akashic Records). Finishex design...


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Last in the series of Federation Commanders is Kuthumi, the rmedical officer and intuitive healer of the Ashtar Command.


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Finished art as it will appear in the show of Commander Ashtar Sheran, commander over all Arcturian lightships under the Galactic Federation.

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The SKY GODZ Patreon is officially open for business!!!
You can support and become part of the SKY GODZ inside community with lots of perks Thanks so.much :)

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The Nordic Tall Whites from Aldebaran fit in perfectly with the current cold and snowy weather.
👽👽👽 ❄❄❄

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