Flying saucer diagram which was submittet for a patent. Could this actually fly and take off to the stars?

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Maria Orsic (born in Zagreb) was the leader of a fictional 1920s secret spiritual society called the Vril society.

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With the Roswell anniversary around the corner, let's check out my nice hand-crafter Roswell dinner plate. Fun stuff...

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In 1987 Whitley Strieber's book "Communion" started the alien abduction craze that lasted well into the nineties.

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Declassified cutaway of a Top Secret UFO design. Could this take off to the stars and beyond (personally, I doubt it).

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Maria Orsic (born in Zagreb) was the leader of a fictional 1920s secret spiritual society called the Vril Society

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The Space Brothers from Venus landed in the Swiss alps and are ready to make contact wuth mankind. Love the retro vibe...


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"Disc Dog"
Commissioned piece, Sumi Ink, 11" x 14"

You can see more of my sumi work, and available prints at:

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