hasilnya ga begitu bagus, tapi aku suka banget😭

1 11

Coba² style simple 👀
Maaf kalau kurang bagus, ku masih nub soalnya.. https://t.co/8abwjbbm7M

2 25

Got inspired to draw some irkens and ended up drawing some irkensonas I love 💖
Me robe a sus niños, sorry 👀💦

Byr, Zek & Bob
Fungus, Gala & Pipa
Dae @ IdaKyrie (Facebook)
Lex @ leivyathan (Tumblr)
Jeni @ Danni the BQ (Tumblr)

11 116

"The most powerful magicians, too, as Simon Magus, Apollonius of Tyana, Pasetes, Iamblichus, and Odo de Stellis, can force them to...build castles in the air."

Entry on "demon" in The New American Cyclopædia (1868)

Image: The Chernabog in Disney's Fantasia

6 27

Tiefling magus, Elix, for a Pathfinder campaign. Fanatic of Asmodeus

5 7

some development work for a couple of Code Cleanser's as-of-yet unrevealed characters: Jin, a wildly chaotic teenage NETHERmancer, and Angus, Lexander's remarkably supportive (yet mildly insufferable) conspiracy theorist roommate

1 18

Ocisd, Gus, and Nestly

0 1

Thanky! Enjoy the Summer (yeah today it's the VERY summer solstice there in 日本、だろう?) Have a 水着ミク. Huggus, UwU! (季節で夏が一番大好きのです!ところで、 はミクが好きかもしれませんと思う)

0 3

Options for Stream: Some Kigus, Feral OC sketches, St. Freya, and Sci-Fi fox skull bonanza.

Votes? :)

1 6

Gus & Hazel have a Cumulus Test today but Gus' clouds aren't pretty like everyone else's. Instead he wets everyone's pants & destroys their school.

Gus & Hazel wonder why he can't make pretty clouds but unknown to Gus, the reader discovers what a gift he truly possess.

3 0

I barbequed burgers, asparagus, and squash for dinner then put off cleaning up to do some drawing. Perfect evening to spend outside.

0 3

Love is disability justice.
What is disability justice?
The term grew out of conversations happening amongst various queer disabled womxn of color in 2004, including Patty Berne, Mia Mingus, and Stacy Milbern.

73 144

Ayyy thanks so much for this boost!!

I do a lot of digital art commissions, and have also started doing plushes, kigus, and fursuits 🖤

0 2

Magus, The Fiendlord, prepares for battle!

8 21

It's been a heckuva day. I think our friend Gus, here, has the right idea...

1 14

We have this lovely watercolour titled 'Aubepine' and intitialled 'E.S' [crataegus, hawthorn] taken from volume I of 'Flore du désert: receuil des fleurs odorantes dans un coin consacré à une amie', a work produced by an unidentified French artist. We think circa 1800

4 12

Various denizens of Hell including, but not limited to, the dangerous Rackoleps Fungus, the bulbous Wombat, the observant Arch-Kin, and the elusive Infernal Scribe

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