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This week’s... previously uploaded icons!!!
#vegetable #illustlation #free #icon #science #presentation #medical #nutrition #野菜 #イラスト#フリー素材 #研究 #アイコン
"@wind_adept Una nutria psicólogo atendiendo a un mapache"
:) #HoraDeLosGarabujos
#MondoDiVersi Cvetaeva #LaPrincipessaGuerriera
Zar-Incendio, Zar-Tempesta!
Con te le parole
non valgono nulla[..
Guardo la criniera dei tuoi ricci,
guardo la fiamma dei tuoi occhi:
non mi sembri nutrita dal mio latte,
ma dal sangue di leonessa selvaggia
Shrub swine ,these pig like monsters live in forests ,known for the moss and small plants that grown on their bodys , they are quite territorial attacking anything that enters there home turf ,as they age the plant matter grows along side them drawing nutrients from them
222 - Corsola
Type: Water/Rock
The points on its head absorb nutrients from clean water. They cannot survive in polluted water.
Hola maigos, estoy en mitad de un proyecto de investigación sobre la información nutricional y me apoyarían bastante respondiendo este breve cuestionario y compartiendolo
Es puramente de índole escolar :3
Onions are low in calories and high in nutrients - also, they’re a good source of potassium.
#TheMoreYouKnow #OnionLover #HowToFeedYourBarbarian
@MeghanZulian I go with a vegetable soup analogy. You have some vegetables that stay on top all the time but when you stir the soup you get the delicious beans and garlic pieces that always sink the the bottom giving you a full nutrient experience! 😋
Have you ever wondered what happened when the Divine ate the Leg eater ?For those who don't I can tell about it in terms of biology. This is not just cannibalism, but mating cannibalism to supply nutrients to future offspring after.. Well, you know. Now I have a HUGE question..
Beaverton Food Project started in spring to provide access to nutritious food through a system of free food pantries and fridges throughout the Beaverton community. Contribute what you can and take what you want. Get involved and find a nearby location at https://t.co/DlCm5rvVm4.
@Slug_95 @howemill @FFC_Commission Our grandparents didn’t know about benefits of mob grazing, to move cattle or poultry daily. Though they did know instinctively about herbal benefits like dandelions nutritional good for calving,lambing,foaling stock&called it dairyman’s gold. Now seen as an invasive weed
I also do heavier themes and vent art from time to time (but admittedly not many if call portfolio worthy)
One from each year, going from 2020 back to 2018
Cw// malnutrition
113 - Chansey
Type: Normal
People try to catch it for its extremely nutritious eggs, but it rarely can be found.
Ya se subió un nuevo capitulo de VIVI chicos!
@canvasdewebtoon @WEBTOONLATAM
98 - Krabby
Type: Water
If it is unable to find food, it will absorb nutrients by swallowing a mouthful of sand.
Veo que les gusto el dibujo de Geno y Goth así que tomen otro~! :D
(Palette es una nutria debido a que recuerdo haber visto alguna vez a su creadora dibujarlo como nutria y quise hacerle giño)