// blood , guns , & yandere themes

I was wanting to do GF after I did BF/Keith, but... Pico just fits so snug into the yandere role to me. Obsessive ex-boyfriend trope go brrr

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“no! you can’t just tell yourself to draw obey me and then draw pico!!1!”

“haha colored pico sketch go pew pew 🥴🔫”

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Decided to do this as a practice, artstyle just getting a feel on my artstyle n' all

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Eyy it's Friday so here's some funky Pico and Boyfriend doodles cause they're cute lol

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ptsd Pico with gun go brrrr

reposting these bc i didn't add tags the last time

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dino pico :0 yeah . no gun bc i wasnt in the mood 2 draw one

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// guns

I started making an AU based on the B-Sides Mod! It's still a WIP, but Boyfriend and Pico's designs are finished!

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