Ok but Harvest Moon for me has always ABOUT having a crush on at least one of the characters. miss u Gray

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Still my crush tbh 💚

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Twilight Princess Link - no explanation needed.

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I’ll admit, even though I haven’t played any Fire Emblem games, Lucina is very beautiful!

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inuyasha is where my crushes on fictional characters began and i fell into it HARD bro

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My has to be Sophitia Alexandra from Soul Calibur and Anna Willams from Tekken. Even if child me was fucking terrible at both Soul Calibur and Tekken 3.

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Roll from Mega Man Legends was my 🛠️

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Don't judge me. She was cute okay

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clearly my roaster lovely ladies had to be shared so here goes who i think was in my og video game waifus

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that game did a lot for me i guess.......

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OG waifu ;w; so many harvest moon girls were my babes in general!!!

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Megara from Hercules
Sylvia in Viewtiful Joe 2
Orihime Inoue from Bleach

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First NPC and Playable crush :v

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...well may as well do this too. Dante crushes Tidus obviously but I had to pick two again.

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was definitely one of these three but its been so long since i've been sure who came FIRST

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