Megara from Hercules
Sylvia in Viewtiful Joe 2
Orihime Inoue from Bleach

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- Chun Li (Started with SF2, loved her in a time where Asian representation in American culture was nonexistent)
- Serena and Darien (yes, both of them, and yes their NA names because that's what I grew up on)
- Trent from Daria (bc duh)

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Saw this going around so I thought I'd join in.
Danny. And Sam, of course.
Either Dracula or Jackie. I played both at the same time 😯 Actually no, scratch that. Definitely Pyramid Head 😆

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Mis todo mal xDDDD Con Akio no me juzguéis, la primera vez que vi Utena no entendí nada xD

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