Under-employed clowns; recently laid-off and/or fired! 😋

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Whomp, whomp, whomp...!
Oh Gawd, not another whining sore LOSERS! 😋

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How come Senator ( or ) no longer tweets support for her Brothers and Sisters? Is that b/c they're now both supporters ? 😋


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Hahahahaha...... This is too funny! This prank would drive crazy! 😋

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After all these years, Peter still hasn't found the CREDIBILITY he has been seeking all his life ! 😋


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doesn't consider as REAL CONs; they r not ideologically pure like CONs or ! The yoga lovers have 2 much n common with them & so hated by the base.😋

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Whomp, whomp, whomp... Just another fmr HARPERcon Minister! has no chance!
will still win with PM b/c he isn't HARPER! 😋


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We all know what happen to the last guy who fought on and we also know what happened the last time Peter had a chance to box Justin. Peter chickened out! 😋


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prefers dumb! When you can convince high school drop-outs are better/smarter than the Noble Prize scientists then you can sell them anything! 😋


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The good news is while the CONs fight it out during the race there will be a break. Maybe, it's hoping for too much! 😋

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