Whomp, whomp, whomp.... A day late and a dollar short!
Who cares! Clearly, doesn't; the leadership don't care. and his campaign team of are a bunch of LOSERS! 😋

0 0

Whomp, whomp, whomp...!
Oh Gawd, not another whining sore LOSERS! 😋

1 0

Clearly, Cdns had no faith in 's so called 3 point econ plan in the recent ; re. Point 1 is ; pt 2 is ; & pt 3 being ! Even the cartoonist had fun with Andy's NO plan! 😋


0 6

I'm getting old and my memory isn't what it use to be. )-: Didn't Canada just have a "non-confidence vote" and got politically shivved? 😋


2 4

is part of the DNA. Just consider the post analysis from 's campaign manager on why the CONs lost the election! Re. increased voter turnout swung the election away from the CONs! 😋

0 2

As you drew in the most colourful political cartoon, you're so right Theo!
couldn't pull it off! 😋


0 5

Lol... Per ,we all know what is doing when he is drinking his water. did a very good job training Andy! 😋


0 2

It's going to take more than a couple boxes of fancy sugary & bland coffee to save & from accountability for their nasty campaign! 😋


1 1

If results of are any indication, like his boss , is a LOSER! As said, how can anyone lose a hockey game against a team with an empty net! 😋


0 2

I still don't want a as the Leader of the Her Majesty Loyal Opposition in the ! When will come clean as to whether he is still an American Citizen? 😋


0 2

A lying is nothing new! I just need to know whether Andy is still an American Citizen! 😋


5 9

Canada dodged a bullet rejecting this in . I still need to know whether is an AMERICAN Citizen! Do we have a leading Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition? Is a loyal Canadian? 😋


0 1

I still want to know the status of 's American Citizenship! Has Andy renounced it as he said he would or is this just another 1 of 😋


17 23

In typical fashion, when the facts don't support the narrative, like and his crew just make stuff up to suit their ! 😋


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