Yeee buat totebag maybe 👀

205 1395

I would like to inform you that my circle will be in CF18.
The catalog will be announced later! ✨

3 10

Ijin setor art! Sender abis gambar charm untuk cf18 nanti ><

1 39

confirmed! see you at

15 84

Lanjutan genshin art! Buat cf18 nii versi liyue 😆, abis ini gambar siapa lagi yaa??

1 8

sneak peek merch cf18, nanti bkal ad fem:
- kvt
- nopal
- wiro
- tatang
- diluk
- kae

5 53

Runner has been purchased by trickey_eth from 47CF18 for 0.175 ETH

1 2

It's a like no other. Here is the 2018 jet design concept!

166 488