paripurna navasana, "full boat pose"

parivrtta anjaneyasana, "revolved lunge"

kurmasana, "turtle pose"

vajrasana, "thunderbolt pose"

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Inktober No. 027 - Coat⠀

This one didn't quite work out how I expected, haha.⠀

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Inktober No. 027 - Coat

This one didn't quite work out how I expected, haha.

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There is a golden spoon-stealing crow in Russia that made the cut for and Look how proud he is of his shiny new treasure

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Day 27, coat, just a little artwotk that i also used for a school project

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doing the time warp back to (yes, we're still catching up, so expect a few more from us over the next few days). ;3

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