Today's is central to the of Eastern Europe. Creatures from folklore that feeds on the blood of the living. They are undead and cannot go out in the sun. In is the first

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Today "#monster" is one of the most famous in The was a half man, half son of bull and Pasiphae's husband, the real monster, trapped him in a and forced him to eat humans.

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Today's are the from they lured sailors with their music and singing to eat on their island. In the original they were half woman, half bird; they are often represented incorrectly as

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Today's is She was of in who had an affair with When stole Lamia's children. In anger Lamia killed every child she and became a who ate kids

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It is now so I shall be posting about from
a half woman, half snake in known as the mother of monsters She was the wife of the most fearsome monster in

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In was of the and King of the gods and men, and, consequently, the chief figure in The son of and he famous for his infidelity to his sister, someone counted all of his 177 affairs.

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is the often overlooked of related to She occurs in the the first being to emerge from alongside the Primordial and

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Today is and the of are the most dysfunctional family ever. cheating on hating causing trouble
Who do you think is the most in the

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In is the of She opens the gates for her brother to fly his chariot and closes it again so her sister may release the Her parents: and and her name is

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One of the most figures in is he is shrouded in mystery because his origins go so far back that they have been forgotten The of and wild places called the Horned One, a mediator of and

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The is one of the most mysterious figures in Morrigan means 'phantom queen' and describes a of and She was often split into three sisters and Often associated with

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In is an of the and She is a associated with the She's sometimes known as the Lady of the Lake, people also believed she was an aspect of The

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In is the of and Her name is or She is an important companion of She was an daughter of and and her consort was

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In is the of He is a shapeless being that drove mortals to their doom. He was the son of who created him alone. He was also the spirit of depression. Moros is the older brother and leader of the The

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Today is so here is a post about my favourite dog in the 3 headed hellhound He guards the gates of the to prevent the dead from leaving and is shown as a the classical world's

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On I will be releasing a video on the of and who's name also refers to an action by a hero that leads to downfall. says Atë is the daughter of either or .

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