Let's talk about the elephant in the room - will LLM take your job?

OpenAI & UPenn conclude that ~80% of the U.S. workforce could have > 10% of work affected, and 19% of workers may see > 50% of work impacted. GPT-4 *itself* actively helps in this study.

What to make of it?🧵

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Artist: Community Collab


29 63

Hey moon,u often dont miss the gem,hard to see if you havent noticed

It hit 2.7million as an ATH,consolidation in beetween 2.1 to 2.4 now..

Webui and webapp is about to get that released..

Be a chad..

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[週アス] GPT-4を採用した語学学習アプリ「Duolingo Max」登場: 語学学習サービス「Duolingo」は3月14日、OpenAIの大規模言語モデル「GPT-4」を使った語学学習サービス「Duolingo Max」を開始すると発表した。iOSアプリから順次リリース。 https://t.co/5fKqhqL1so

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