Late as always, but here it is the last three days

I had technical problems with my computer while streaming Tyrunt, so I’m working on fixes to stream the following days too! Thanks again to everyone who joined

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Pokécember Day 12: Grass Type

Whimsicott has some good mischievous vibes. Let's take them into next year!

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Minty favorite Grass-type is One of my most powerful Pokemon! The first Pokemon I trained to Level 100. Also they're based on one of my favorite mythological creature.

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Pokécember Day 11: Water Type!

Very late with this, but I love Feraligatr too much to skip a chance to draw him!

Alright, now I gotta hurry and draw for Day 12, ehehe...

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Pokecember Day 10 & 11, Fire and Water!

Was busy yesterday so u get these both at the same time uwu

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Minty favorite Water-type is So many Water-types to choose from but the obvious choice for me is Barraskewda! I love it's fierce design and strong physical attacks.

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Day 11 of features Dracozolt, drawn by for the A real wacky dino just having a romp.

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Dia 10: [Poison] Poipole ➕ Poison Barb

Poipole está pronto pra furar as inimiga com seu Poison Barb novinho. 🌚

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Minty favorite Fire-type is I love all centipede Pokemon because of their unique body type and strong attacks. Part of my main team in Sword and Shield.

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Day 10 of features Togekiss, drawn by for the I'd call this one pretty eggcelent hahahahahahahahahahahahah

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Pokecember Day 10 - Favorite Psychic Type

Another really weird concept for a pokemon that I just love so much

Also check out how the drawing was made in a timelapse below!

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Day 10 : Random Rock Type (feat a sleepy Lunatone)
It's understanding after all ... being the moon and all is quite exhausting !

The hardest to find about ... but the easiest to draw so far !
Maybe too much shadowing this time, especially in the craters ... heh

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Pokecember Day 9: Steel

Honestly I barely had energy to draw this today, but I swore to myself that this would finally be the year that I finish Pokecember 😤
Gear maid mon go brrrr

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Pokécember Day 9: Steel Type!

I used to think Mawile didn't have a mouth other than the one on its hair. I might be wrong about that. Well, a mouth that large can be very expressive, in any case! 🦈

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