トキメキ×オンナノコ宣言- ななひら (KiraKira*Fraulein)

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oooh! あなたはとてもかわいいです!fraulein!😍🥰😆

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Galaxy Fraulein Yuna Remix

Everything a good remake should be, making an already brilliant game even better

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No 😅 the fuck is wrong with people these days lol

Galaxy Fraulein Yuna

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First Responders, I presume...
Helder Almeida 'Fraulein Gertrud von Krupp'

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lelouch ( moi aussi je le prends, pas besoin d’expliquer pq je pense ) / détective conan ( il est haut lvl lui ) / armin ( j’ai baisé ta frauleiiin ... plz ayez la ref) / et après jsp krkr https://t.co/5ChtlxGJzv

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El 29 de gener de 1860 va nàixer l’escriptor rus Anton Txékhov.

"L'art d'escriure consisteix a dir molt amb poques paraules”.


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January pages from the1997 calendar included with the limited edition version of Galaxy Fraulein Yuna: Remix (Saturn). Art by Miki Akitaka.

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en les paraules, les veus i les imatges.
la manera de construir i apropar-nos la historia, la genealogia,
. . i queden tres sessions al

*img 2017 Isaac

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(watch Fraulein Yuna if you're in the mood for space lesbians and 90s mecha)

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Isabellae's saga concludes in Isabellae Volume 2: https://t.co/OMHjPgnDXN. Desperate to learn about her roots, Isabellae travels to Ireland and finds herself drawn into a way she has no part in. From renowned Spanish creators Raule and Gabor

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Ací >> https://t.co/RbqEdF5vHm una reflexió escrita que acompanya a esta vinyeta sense paraules.

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チョコレートグラビティ - ななひら - Kirakira*Fraulein

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Zum Fressen geboren, zum Kraulen bestellt, in Schlummer verloren gefällt mir die Welt. Ich schnurr’ auf dem Schosse, ich ruhe im Bett in lieblicher Pose, ob schlank oder fett.

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・Rosa Fraulein Eins1 Zwei2 Drei3
・Rosa Fraulein Extra

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Together, they are my ultimate (#Chrisival/ I have drawn them so many times over the years!! Here’s a small part of all my arts of them!😉

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Power couple: Rafael "the King of Ties and Suspenders" Barba and his coffee😉
We still miss Barba in

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