Lil sketchy of my first ever rp character from my very early teens on some Redwall forum; a marlfox called Fevedy

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Back when the River Moss flowed wide and deep, Pontederia was a prosperous fishing hamlet. Alas, these days the town sits in disrepair, all but fully swallowed by a great cavernous sinkhole.

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He is! In our setting, ratfolk and humans are part of the same world. Not quite like Redwall. How would an average human hero react to encounter a mouse or rat hero? We're influenced by The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian!

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After some delays, I finished up this piece of Lost Legends of Redwall fan art
Fraybie and Tussa are one of my favorite side couples in the series, but they're both in denial about it. I had to sift through their dialog in the games to learn about their relationship. 1/3

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A stoic mute Badger Warrior/Lord from my pool of Redwall OCs

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Why did I make a rat adventure for 5E? Well, because I grew up on the Secret of NIMH and the Great Mouse Detective. And also Redwall. Small, quiet, friendly, communal, vicious when cornered... the best thieves, but also the best heroes!

19 66 time for more little girls dark souls. at least it's easier than redwall!

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Another preview. It's coming along a bit slower than expected, but I just have the characters left to paint.

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Don't forget to enjoy the spring air like this Redwaller duo! Art by TheNinaBird

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I love seeing progress pieces :D
Redwall badgers fanart 2011 and 2021

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The cast of Redwall is here and they're here to FUCK.

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Also, while I'm posting about alt accounts, I also have an account set up over at . I haven't used it much as of late, but that is my Redwall OC account and I may be doing something with that again soon!

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Got any fun Redwall memes of your own? Tag us and we may feature you on our Meme Mondays!

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Got any fun Redwall memes of your own? Tag us and we may feature you on our Meme Mondays!

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Doing some more rat stuff a la I have no idea how to design a medieval costume yet, so that's pulled *heavily* from the ref. in the reply.

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New Redwall/Humblewood characters ready to adventure!

Sushi Whitepaw (fox rogue), Asta Swiftfeather (saw-whet owl ranger), Elrin (mule deer bard) and Pepper Pamble (hedgehog combat gardener)

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From top left to bottom right.
Twitch (league of legends), Slade "Ninja outfit" (shining force 2), Cluny the Scourge (redwall), Silas (ghost of a tale.)

Slade and Silas are good guys. n both being very well loved characters.

High recomend Ghost of a Tale <3.

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Starting to populate the tavern with characters - and

I've had a ton of pet rats (they're amazing btw, like tiny dogs) so I can't see myself making them villains by default the way Brian Jacques did in Redwall. Cunning, yes, but not inherently evil.

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