Are you attending the online Sing! Global conferenc?

Check out the virtual booth in the exhibit hall. Booth 120!

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Human Priestess of the Reformation, Faith Dragonclaw. Her story is tightly centered around Shadowlands and spirit magic, stories I’d come up with back in Legion!

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there's not enough art of this pearl reformation

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Hi so I wanted to draw Strawberry Tourmaline but with Garnet and Spinel's current reformations and so I did

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For today's - a 2016 comic with silly changelings (featuring pre-reformation Dopple).
DA link:

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1415 Jan Hus, theologian and philosopher who would start the Hussite movement, key precursor to Protestantism and the Reformation in Bohemia, died and was executed in Bishopric of Constance after his trial which saw him accused of heresy.

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The Scottish Reformation is so interesting because of how zealous its adherents were. Scotland from the 16th century to around the 18th century could best be described as a theocracy where the Presbyterian Church had a tight grasp on all of society. (THREAD):

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"Manhattan Quarantine" 🎨

Ran on back to the footprints we'd already made. Rich enough to feel like we'd been going anywhere new. The luxury of self care is wasted on the loop. Reformation wasted on empire.

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Violet pearl reformation commission for a patron ☺️

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A drawing of Terence I did during a style reformation

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Ruusan Reformation is an event that reformed the Republic. Taking power away from the Chancellor and giving the Senate more. More so, the Republic was afraid of the Jedi and forced them to abandon their battle armour, cease military titles, and disband their army. (1/2)

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Niederländische Emigranten
um 1567

Hamburg nahm 1567 die ersten niederländischen Emigranten auf. Die Niederlande standen damals unter spanischer Herrschaft. König Philipp II. führte die Gegenreformation in aller Härte und verfolgte Calvinisten als Ketzer.

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Hamburg wird evangelisch
um 1529
Bürgermeister Wetken und Bugenhagen waren maßgeblich daran beteiligt, daß die Reformation friedlich umgesetzt und auch Hamburgzu einer evangelischen Stadt werden konnte.

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18 Apr 1518: Martin Bucer is present at Luther’s disputation at the Diet of Worms It was a formative event for a man who would go on, among other things, to be a key figure in reformation (University of

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Estoy perdidamente enamorada de este vestido de Reformation.

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One from the archive – ancient wall painting in St Agatha's Church, Easby, North Yorkshire. Depiction of Christ being taken down from the cross, painted over at the Reformation and rediscovered in the 19th century...

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miss reformation please have a sale

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'J' is for John Strype, one of the leading historians of the and the English We hope you enjoy our exhibition!
Please retweet!

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Palmesel, 15th century

The German “Palmesel” (palm donkey) refers to a statue of Jesus on a donkey, mounted on a wheeled platform, part of Palm Sunday processions in many German-speaking regions until the Reformation (Met Museum)

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decided to take another spin at a custom garnet reformation, this time including ruby and sapphire!

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