20 Feb 1775 Concord MA 2nd Mass Provincial Congress reconvenes to improve colonial defenses: creating a military commissary, enlisting Stockbridge Indians, establishing military rules, & requests reinforcements from other colonies.

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19 Feb 1781 Gen Thomas Sumter’s attack against British Maj Andrew Maxwell’s garrison of 300 at Ft Granby on the Congaree R. in SC is repulsed. Sumter’s siege operations are curtailed when he learns of a relief force under Lt Col Francis Rawdon.

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19 Feb 1777 Congress promotes Thomas Mifflin; Arthur St. Clair; William Alexander; Adam Stephen & Benjamin Lincoln to major general. Brig Gen Benedict Arnold felt slighted by junior officers promoted ahead of him & threatens to resign from the Army.

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13 Feb 1789 Morristown, NJ The Commander in Chief wants every junior officer to carry a spontoon. A spontoon was a half pike carried by an 18th-century infantry officer & was considered the “distinguishing arm" &"symbol of authority" & a fighting weapon.

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13 Feb 1779 Augusta, GA. Lt Col Archibald Campbell learns of the approach of American Gen Benjamin Lincoln’s army and retreats toward Savannah. A large militia force under Gen John Ashe closely trails his column.

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10 Feb 1776 The ship America is captured on Cape Fear River by two British ships stationed there with credit going to HMS Cruizer. America held three puncheons (1500 liters) of rum and six thousand bushels of salt. What do you do with a drunken sailor?

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28 Jan 1777 Westchester, NY William Duer, signer of Declaration pens a letter to Gen Washington vouching for Mr. Sackett who he sends to discuss various actions to secure Westchester from British control and to help squeeze the British garrison in NYC.

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22 Jan 1781 Morrisania, NY (Bronx) Lt Col William Hull attacks a Loyalist outpost commanded by Lt Col James de Lancey.

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20 Jan 1777 Somerset Court House, NJ. Battle of Millstone - Gen Philemon Dickinson leads NJ militia & PA riflemen in an attack against a British party of equal number. The foragers are dispersed & retreat leaving most of the livestock.

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16 Jan 1776: Continental Congress approved Washington's order to enlist free black men into the army. About 9K served the patriot cause with 5K as combat troops, some 5% of the total of militia & Continentals with the % in Continental Regiments higher.

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13 Jan 1776 Albany NY Gen Phillip Schuyler wrote to Gen Washington from Albany “The gallant Montgomery, is no more; the brave Arnold is wounded, and we have met with a severe check in an unsuccessful attempt on Quebec…I tremble for our people in Canada.”

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10 Jan 1780 General Charles Lee was dismissed from the army after failing to overturn a court-martial and resorting to attacking Washington’s character publicly. He retires to his estate and plays no further role in the war.

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9 Jan 1782 St Kits West Indies French Adm comte de Grasse lands 6K troops at Basseterre. Facing the French troops and 24 ships of the line, the 700-man British garrison withdraws to entrench on Brimstone Hill.

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9 Jan 1776 After a long delay, Continental Congress promotes Col Benedict Arnold to brigadier general. The delay in promotion would be one of many grievances he held against the American government.

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7 January 1718 Salem Village (now Danvers), MA Israel Putnam, American general is born. He would become a French & Indian War hero and an early military leader in the . Fiery and aggressive, he’d gain the nickname, “Old Put”.

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5 Jan 1776 Portsmouth NH New Hampshire delegates vote to become the first independent state & replace colonial charter with a new state constitution with a president and bicameral legislature.

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4 Jan 1781 Princeton NJ Gen Marquis de Lafayette, Gen Arthur St Clair, and Col John Laurens try to parley with PA Line mutineers but fail to get them to disarm.

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30 Dec 1776 Col Joseph Reed, leading a patrol of dragoons. skirmishes with a British patrol along the Delaware R. near Trenton, NJ & drives them off.

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29 Dec 1769 Boston, MA The Committee of Boston Merchants send a letter to Benjamin Franklin, regarding the expiration of the non-importation agreement, and working to reimplement it among the colonies.

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26 Dec 1780 Cheraw, SC. Gen Nathanael Greene’s army establishes camp, hoping to recruit the locals and strike British Gen Charles Cornwallis’s army should he move into NC.

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