action/thriller called "Screaming Metal". It was to be a quick, if not deceptive, dig for an alien AI braincore, then someone tried to kill Pree & her crew.


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Deep pangs had begun to introduce themselves almost frequent as the shy, jumbo dust bunny who lived in our forest. Unable to hide any longer, he recruited our help in saving his babies who'd managed to roll themselves stuck beneath moss.

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Your throne appears empty these days and walks are lonelier, but today, I felt your leash lead me to our spot beyond the serrated boulders. I stood there for hours, embracing little gusts on my hand. Or were they sniffs?

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"I've never seen such lively nubs. How've they not begun to sag?" exclaimed the man, shaking w/ elation. "Please let me hold them. I promise they won't retreat into their skin." I turn to see the world's thinnest touchscreen.

4 34

Take no never mind of the beast in the corner...
But grandma, it's a wolf!
No, just a man with a wolfish grin, but no less dangerous.

5 18

Maybe not a proper post, but we’re dying to show off this gorgeous key art hand-drawn by for .

A limited 11x17” print of this illustration will be available to backers next month.

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She sat on her throne, looking out over her sea of kneeling demonic followers. She had spend millenia to reach this point in her rule of the ether.
She stood up and put on the royal mask, it was finally time. She lifted her spectre,

5 12


There's a certain method you can use to not get corrupted while space traveling. A trick to keep the (litteral) demons away; simply carry enough fortitude to weaponize it against them.

This is difficult, and why there are few intergalactic travelers.

5 18


How come evil play such a huge part in the universe, yet is so hated? Contrary to popular belief, no evil does not lead to good, simply to dull greyness. Without an Evil Lord, who would take up the mantle of Hero? Who would tell the tales we love?

4 12

He wears kindness in the rain, showering sunshine where the shivering see no light while cooling thoughts upon those who find themselves burning beneath cracked masks. The chthonic aren't always evil.

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