At night, would pour some bread, meat and money in a bag and take it anonymously to the poor house of the city and distribute it among them.

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And that's it! If you liked this thread consider tipping me $magikbeanboi and @/magikbeanboi
Also follow me for more stuff like this

Have a blessed and wonderful day everyone 💕


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I had the absolute joy of visiting the William Morris wallpaper exhibition last week in Edinburgh. How these intricate designs were wood block printed blows my mind 😍

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These are the three highest pleasures of the bard:
To speak wisely
To act wisely
Conveying peace and harmony

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This week seemed to zoom by me. Does anyone else feel like the Earth spun a little faster this month?

I wonder what my fortune cookie would say... "Don't pass go, the Federal Reserve is out of money."

Hey. 🤣

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As I sit here writing this morning, I am reminded of what my mother told me as a child. She always said, "use your imagination!" That is exactly what I am doing.

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Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.

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I missed so I’ll bring you

Meet Squirtle, your very friendly bilge rat. He may not have the fanciest clothes, or all his teeth, but he’ll always always lend you a bucket in your time of need.

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The Maui dolphin, also known as a popoto, is the smallest of the species. This popoto was created with on Readi-Board.

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Beautiful cover illustration for Therapy Today from Katherine Budryte exploring how social media is shaping our profession.

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"A cat can purr away out from anything, so can you,
Lets keep on fighting!"

Sunni is missing her mom, that's her Thursday thoughts, how about you?

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