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Recent work by Yolanda Fernández-Jalvo and Peter Andrews found that cranial fractures on the Spy 1 Neandertal skull were the likely cause of death of this #hominin individual. A new dating scheme places the Spy Neandertals between 44,300 and 40,700 years ago. #paleoanthropology
Julius Caesar’s invasions of Britain https://t.co/VcuMgBQ5jX #archeology #anthropology #history
Even small fragments of Homo erectus skulls are often very recognizable, due to their thick cranial bone and prominent, thickened entheses. This #hominin skull fragment existed at a time of faunal interchange between Java and mainland Asia. #paleoanthropology
One of the beautiful #hominin fossils found in South Africa during the last few years is the DNH 155 skull, reconstructed by @Palaeozone. This Paranthropus robustus individual lived sometime around 2 million years ago. #paleoanthropology #FossilFriday
Homo antecessor is a species that occupies a fascinating time and place in human origins. The #hominin material from Gran Dolina are the closest known sister group to the common ancestor of today's people, Neandertals, and Denisovans. #paleoanthropology
Did Earth’s early rise in oxygen help multicellular life evolve? https://t.co/YiJR09Ld17 #archeology #anthropology #history
The most complete skeleton attributed to Australopithecus afarensis is the young child from Dikika, Ethopia. This #hominin had a hyoid bone similar to chimpanzees and gorillas, suggesting apelike vocal communication. #paleoanthropology
The #hominin skull from Hexian, China, is a Homo erectus individual from around 410,000 years ago, who suffered soft tissue injuries to his or her scalp—in today's people consistent with injury from extreme hair pulling or burns. #paleoanthropology
Mammals in the time of dinosaurs held each other back https://t.co/eLkqn72xKr #archeology #anthropology #history
The fossils from Caune de l'Arago, France, are around the same age as the large Sima de los Huesos sample of early Neandertals. Whether they represent the same #hominin population is not clear. They test our ability to determine relationships with morphology. #paleoanthropology
KNM-ER 992 was one of the #hominin fossils discovered by Richard Leakey's field team that were claimed as holotypes for species named by other scientists: in this case Homo ergaster. This "taxonomic scramble" of the 1970s and 1980s left a harmful legacy in #paleoanthropology
The "Ardi" skeleton from Aramis, Ethiopia, provides the most complete cranial, dental, and postcranial evidence of any hominoid from the Early Pliocene. Some of its features point to a relationship with later #hominin remains. #paleoanthropology
The variability of the #hominin fossils from Hadar, Ethiopia, has long been attributed to sexual dimorphism and temporal trends within Australopithecus afarensis. The recent discovery of other species at nearby sites may require re-evaluation of this idea. #paleoanthropology
The MLD 40 #hominin jaw is one of the larger ones attributed to Australopithecus africanus. Raymond Dart thought that it was a victim of cannibalism, but it lacks the evidence that we look for today to identify this behavior. #paleoanthropology
A child's skull from Herto, Ethiopia, appears to document a mortuary practice involving the long-term keeping and handling of human remains, more than 147,000 years ago. Cultural observance of death may go back much further in #hominin ancestry. #paleoanthropology #FossilFriday
Léon Henri-Martin found the humerus of a Neandertal partial skeleton in 1911 at La Quina. He wrote, "The fragility and powdery state of the upper right maxilla made three teeth fall into my hands." #hominin #paleoanthropology
One of the first known mandibles of Homo erectus was this left side of a jaw from Zhoukoudian, China, found in 1931. Many #hominin jaws discovered later would come to be called H. erectus because of similarity to this individual. #paleoanthropology
I saw #hwsphilippines and thought wow, time to draw pre-col Philippines with a long ass headcanon based on all my readings. I knew my anthropology degree was going to be useful someday 😂
Textbooks often treat Homo habilis as a common ancestor for all later species in our genus. But the OH 7 mandible shows that this #hominin may have evolved quite differently from other members of Homo. #paleoanthropology
The distal femur of an early #hominin like Australopithecus africanus is among the most humanlike parts of their anatomy. The angulation between the femoral shaft and condyles reflects habitual bipedal gait. #paleoanthropology