Lilies (Lilium davidii) for by Matilda Smith for Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Vol. 126 (1900). Contributed for digitization by the Peter H. Raven Library of the : --

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Winter twigs by Diana Ruth Wilson (1886-1969). Her early collection of botanical watercolours of West Dorset flora is one of our major exhibitions.

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Winter twigs from the Wilson Botanical collection reflecting the austere beauty of the season

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Rosehip syrup, full of Vitamin C, used to keep away coughs and colds at this time of year, drawn by our own Diana Ruth Wilson (1886-1969)

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A glossy sprig of Christmas Holly from Diana Ruth Wilson (1886-1969). As a girl, she took a posy of Dorset holly and hellebores on the ship bound for Rio, to ward against homesickness on her plant hunting trip

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From Oliver's 1893 Illustrations of the Vegetable Kingdom 'prepared for the Science & Art Department of the Council of Education'.

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The mysterious Herb Paris, prolific in a wood near Sherborne, courtesy of Diana Ruth Wilson (1886-1969)

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Spectacular guelder rose autumn fruiting, Diana Ruth Wilson botanical collection

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From our library of preserved 'magical' plants - henbane & monskhood - getting ready for History of Magic

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More autumnal hedgerow plants featuring in the Diana Ruth Wilson botanical collection

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Diana Ruth Wilson, still drawing en plein air in her 80s. Come and see 200 of her brilliant early drawings of W. Dorset flora

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Some delightful colours in this 1898 print from The Yokohama Nursery Co, '#Maples of catalogue

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Autumn colours from the Wilson botanical collection

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Autumn crocus or colchicum once harvested to treat gout, Wilson botanical collection

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Autumnal colours appearing, from the Wilson watercolour collection

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Crab apples beautifully observed by Diana Ruth Wilson, from our watercolour collection

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It’s Monday morning and in celebration of being awake, here is a coffee pot from Oman, dating from the late 19thc

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Wild summer strawberries from our Diana Ruth Wilson collection

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A squash from Fuchs’s 1542 ‘De historia stirpium commentarii insignes’ from

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