Repost 2020🌩 I've been stealing Roger's Thunder since I started the comic😆 It's like a marshmallow☁️😍

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Repost 2021🐶 Isn't physics fun😆 Make sure you spend time with your doggos outside and give them plenty of pets😍🌳☀️

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Happy St.Patrick's Day🍀🌈💰 I am somewhat superstitious, especially with knocking on wood😳 Do you have a superstitions🤔😄

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Which cook are you😆🥗 This is based on the first time my boyfriend, Allen, and I cooked together😅 This is his comic debut⭐️🤩

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This today is the ultimate Taco Tuesday because it's 02/22/22 on a Tuesday✨🤯✨ I just really like tacos😅🌮

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Repost 2021💘 At least as an adult you can buy all the candy you want for Valentine's day💝🍫Especially since it's on sale today🤑

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