One must cut the deck to prevent cheating🙃 There's no way to cheat if your cards are cut in half😂 The original was from my first Pun Special🤯

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Recently, I've been working through my burnout by refining my decks 🧮 It allows me to forget about my stress for a bit 🙂🌳☀️💧🔥💀

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Happy Everybody🌳💧🔥☀️💀What's your favorite format to play in🤔 I usually play modern (I have some old cards😅) but I've been wanting to try commander😊

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★ Hai già ordinato le prime 5? 🧟
Quanta commissione per Planet Fun, carte di Magic
personalizzate. Ci ho messo molto più dei precedenti
perché ho avuto..


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I've been dealing with burnout and social anxiety for a while now😞 Magic really helped me with social anxiety by having a sense of community and with burnout by giving me a break😊

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Repost 2021☀ Do you know a player like this🤔 One time I was able to take a phone call and my dad still wasn't finished with his turn😆⏳

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Repost 2021🌳💧🔥☀️💀 It's the time of the year where I post comics about my favorite game: Magic the Gathering throughout the month of March🤩

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“Little Big Creatures with Planeswalkers” Nissa’s Snail and Urza’s Sloth. Acrylic on 8”x10” canvas. More art to come! Check out my YouTube channel Izzet Star for alternate card art starting April 24th!

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