Another "Polished" linev because I wanted to fix some details that I didnt like, the originals can be found here
The ones I changed the most are GRELIEN & SLENDROB, BEKLUDE is practically the same

48 322

The third prompt I got had to have the object as the main inspiration and the animal as a sub:
Bug + elephant seal + roll of toilet paper
Meet Cenpereal
This pokemon was a tricky one lol

0 3

Kroelian YAMASK & KABUKAMEGUS (Ghost/Psychic)
Anoter regional variations with some japanese inspiration, this time they are based in japanese masks, Kabuki and Noh theater

85 493

MERCUREON (Flying) New eeveelution inspired in Hermes/Mercury, the messenger of the gods in Greek Mythology, with the ability Aerilate and H.Ability Magician.

56 344

Sry for not posting anything in more than a week, but I'd say that its time for final stages 👀

27 197

So I used a Random Type, animal and object generator to get inspiration like a few of and
Videos on youtube and I got Fairy+Crocodile+A bix of baking powder
Meet Crocochoc the Chocolate dessert pokemon

0 7

Cryptid based dino fakemon (Dragon) inspired by the "Kongamato", a cryptid from central Africa. This one can evolve into 4 different cryptodinosaurs

48 242

SCRAMLIN (Dark), MOMORMA (Dark/Flying) & ENFEAR (Dark/Bug) the Cryptid pokemon. First 2 are just a cleaner design of this ones While the 3rd one is a new split evolution.

46 317

Kroelian LITWICK, Kroelian LAMPERT, Regional evolution ROLINFERNO & MEGA ROLINFERNO, First 3 are Ghost/Rock, with the ability "Fiery Spirit", mega evolution is Ghost/Fire

376 2153

WULFARAN, LYCARALA & WIDOWOLF (Bug/Ice), The Spider Wolf pokemon, they are a remake of a remake from long ago

50 359

Solmander, the sunbathing pokémon (fire/rock)

Based on lizards and their habit of sunbathing on rocks. Solmander absorbs sunlight in the three spots on its back and transforms it to energy.

10 55

Poison/Dark fakemon based on the Spider-tailed horned Viper, mixed with yo kai.
First one is based on the kuchisake onna and its evolution is based on the Jorogumo

104 485

ZOMBIGNON the Zombie Fungi pokemon, mortal enemy of the Bug Army
It infects the bugs and turns their bodies into its own army, you can read more here

40 230

Based in sickles & scythes, as well as restless ghosts and grim reapers

166 770

Grass/Water froggy friends based on the Bornean Treehole frog, a tiny frog that uses hollow trees to amplify its croaking, mixed with cheerleaders and marching band players

81 422

Two single stages

-Gnostril, the weeping pokémon (fairy)
-Truffol, the troll pokémon (ground/rock)

17 84

JELLARVAE, SYRUPUPA & MELIFÉE, based on the Jewel Caterpillar & the Honeypot Ant.
I just want to point out that JELLARVAE was made way before SNOM reveal
You can red more about them here

39 224

MALVATROSS & TETRODOX, This pokemon only appear if VAQUIJIRA is in your party
As VAQUIJIRA is based on the Bake-Kujira, who is said to appear surrounded by "strange birds and fish"
read more here

17 94

PHLIPPIN, JETACEAN, NARVOREAL & VAQUIJIRA, based on dolphins and other cetaceans, you can read more about them following this link

20 124