Finally, I had time to make these before SV legends come out🙌
"Boxart" legends

-Urberald, the civilization pokémon (fire/flying)
-Saverald, the recluse pokémon (ice/flying)

Lore coming soon

7 28

Thaly pseudolegendaries
-Calamouth, the squid pokémon (water)
-Calamaw, the squid pokémon (water)
-Calamaty, the kraken pokémon (water/dragon)

81 508

Sandygast regional form and evo
-Sandygast, the burning sand pokémon (ground/fire)
-Volcasand, the volcano pokémon (ground/fire)

Based on lava sand and sand volcanoes

25 125

Sry for not posting anything in more than a week, but I'd say that its time for final stages 👀

27 197

Solmander, the sunbathing pokémon (fire/rock)

Based on lizards and their habit of sunbathing on rocks. Solmander absorbs sunlight in the three spots on its back and transforms it to energy.

10 55

Two single stages

-Gnostril, the weeping pokémon (fairy)
-Truffol, the troll pokémon (ground/rock)

17 84

Regional ghost line

- Purrsuit, the black cat pokémon (ghost)
- Kitremble, the fright pokémon (ghost)
- Fearine, the dire pokémon (ghost)

34 170

I guess it's time to post second stage of my starters 👀

-Tenettle, the nettle bear pokémon (grass)
-Sapyre, the mountain goat pokémon (fire)
-Shrimpow, the shrimp pokémon (water/fighting)

24 83

Regional bird

- Neskoo, the nesting pokémon (flying)
- Chubkoo, the scrounger pokémon (dark/flying)
- Falkoo, the bully pokémon (dark/flying)

23 128

Thaly's regional bug
- Maghot, the grup pokémon (bug)
- Coosteam, the boiler pokémon (bug)
- Thermoth, the powder butterfly pokémon (bug/fire)

6 34