honesty was so much that his enemies called him "Amin". Compare with today's world powers like America, how they have filled the with rumors to maintain their power.

8 24

Alessi VS Muhammad Avdol

2 49

Lotus (Official Album's Cover) by Pedram Mohammadi via /r/Cyberpunk by u/ N7CombatWombat

1 3


"La superficialità è una delle cose più sconfortanti che ci siano. Ovunque la si incrocia, ci si avvilisce."

🖌️Annie Hamman Art

14 30

📝 A mercy for all of creation
“A mercy for all of creation” is a description that God, the Exalted, has used in referring to Prophet Muhammad. He has not said that the Holy Prophet is a mercy for a specific group of people or a particular nation in the world.

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happy lesbian day to my fav lesbian oc’s !!

dr. spark kohler - she/her
emik ordo - they/them
camila hilario - she/her
leila hammad - she/they

0 6

[Ringkasan Sirah Nabi Muhammad SAW]

Sempena bulan maulid ini, marilah kita sama-sama mengulang kaji sirah perjalanan kekasih kita yang teragung Nabi Muhammad SAW secara ringkas. Malu rasanya sekiranya kita tak tahu berkenaan kekasih kita.

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Selamat memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1444 H bagi Reonites yang merayakan.

Semoga kita dapat meneladani sifat-sifat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

2 4

Day 4 : Scallop ! Dans cette grotte humide, un enutrof se dévoile, obnubilé par la perle du Hammamoule !

0 5

In Remembrance of the 46th anniversary of The Thammasart University Massacre

2 19

I’m sorry but I need someone to cast Imaan Hammam as Monet YESTERDAY

8 75

Firman-Nya, “…Barangsiapa memelihara kehidupan seorang manusia, maka seakan ia telah memelihara kehidupan semua manusia…” Sabda Nabi Muhammad, “Sebaik-baiknya manusia, yang bermanfaat bagi manusia lain.” Namanya Muhammad Revo Septiyan. Ia teladan bagi kita. || 📸

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Commission for "Muhammad Adam Dharmawan".

1 6

DEATH BATTLE! Count Bleck VS Mohammad Rajab Wali

3 18

Next MS is


Coming up on September 22th in the morning!

Please wait for boosting !

9/20 お題 『ブースト』遅刻

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