Open the book ... flowers are sprouting! It's also spring in reading (illustration by Brunella Baldi,

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A wonder: library books are shared for free (illustration by Mariona Tolosa Siteré)

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It is very important to have books at home to encourage reading. The personal library must be made compatible with the school library and the public library (illustration,

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Reading City Society and its cultural models greatly influence reading and its promotion. We need to invest much more in reading (illustration by Lara Hawthorne,

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Reading leads you to imagine other places, other lives, other times ... (illustration by Zao Dao,

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Enriqueta, with Mafalda and Matilda, are a great example of reading girls (illustration by Liniers,

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Reading, without stopping, under the snow (illustration by Tansa Kourti,

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A moment of rest with a little reading: coffee and book, center of a very personal universe (illustration by Ana Redko,

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Taking advantage of Christmas holidays to read (illustration by Marta Costa,

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Reading, key to imagination and knowledge (illustration by Sadova Iryna, sadova_art)

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Write, imagine with words new lives. Let's encourage writing to children (illustration by Nathalie Dion,

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What a pleasure to read at home, very warm, watching snow (illustration by Verònica Aranda Vernet,

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I'm going to tell you a secret. Read and you will find out (illustration from 君 Jun,

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Oops! What a fear happened with this book! I love it (illustration by Elina Ellis,

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