Death trooper recon! Drawn in adobe sketch. Check out more of my cool art on Instagram under Mattrendar 🤙🏻

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Que rico el melon pan!! Es perfecto para merendar, y puedes acompañarlo hasta con SODA del mismo sabor!! Una loura! En Japonshop lo tienes TODO con ENVÍO REBAJADO y a disfrutar! GO!

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A quick trip to the first book in the "The Great Nations of Rendaraia"! This book by has it all: mythology, science, art, & more.
Grab your copy at the store:

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A "The Great Nations of Rendaraia" is an illustrated fantasy novel like you've never seen. With art, architecture, mythology, culture, magic, science, aerospace dirigible technology & more, you've never seen like this before!

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Una cosa que le sabemos a los mexicas con claridad es que les encantaba despechugar a la gente para sacarles el corazón y que la sangre era lo más precioso/valioso que se podría ofrendar. Pero ¿Por qué?

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Happy Take a trip back to last April with "Children of Gaia: The Great Nations of Rendaraia"—a beautiful, intricate, diverse, and immersive illustrated novel by !

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Review "The Great Nations of Rendaraia" on ! Tell the world abt fantasy!

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Our merch manager Jill being generally awesome. Reposted by

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Can't wait to hit the road for the Tour with esun! Check our website in our profile an…

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Merch Sale!!! In preparation for the upcoming tour we are discounting up to 70% off of merchandise in …

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2015 OKI`s CARENDAR | オキマミヤ

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