Not going to be home for tomorrow. So, I'll do it tonight. :> Here's a little winter house complete with a cat for coze level 1000.

25 151

Here the atmosphere lighting fx is messy but it looks pretty cool

2 18

Reworked the heightmap generation. Height can vary pretty extreme now

9 82

Hi to all my new followers! I make a turn-based roguelike that also uses my procgen skills where you possess monsters and take their abilities? And it's 40% off this week!


24 36

Finally got around to drawing some procedurally-generated . Apologies for lack of skill; I'm certainly no Sugimori.

3 13

Generated planets with smaller details, high res tessellation and high res shadows

14 47

Finally updated the God Bot , lots of tweaks and some bigger changes.

9 13

Some new procedural generated discoveries

7 25

Been working hard lately on some exciting updates coming in December.

Follow , stay tuned and help to spread the word!

4 4

Doing some kitbash experimentation

4 33

This monster was generated tonight

11 52