
1 6

The way to load a new scene has changed in 5.3 version.

19 21

If your game supports multiple control schemes, let it adapt automatically. Feels just great.

12 48

Test "Quit an application" in Unity editor. Just turn playing to false if you are in it.

7 17

Select an object, then hit Shift + F or the F key twice to lock the camera into following the target.

57 161

You can make icons for your custom ScriptableObjects: put "ClassName Icon.png" in a folder called Gizmos

56 136

Here's a little script to correct Rigidbody mass by approximate volume

96 267

The Frame Debugger lets you step through the rendering process for a scene! Helps for optimizing levels

75 204

Use the Debugger Display property to help you debug faster.

7 8

This might be a basic but being able to hold V to snap one vertex to another is super handy.

108 287

• Primitive types in C# can be extended
• Unity's console supports rich-text formatting
Have some code!

146 338

NavmeshAgent can avoid NavmeshObstacle.

35 76

You can use Buit-in GUIStyles.

3 5