In Persephone was the daughter of the When Persephone was kidnapped by Demeter allowed nothing to grow for six months until Persephone was finally returned This was how was created

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4. and her
In Hera was the goddess of motherhood and family. She had multiple daughters- also known as and

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3. and her daughters
In Gaia and her daughters – and – were the earliest and

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She is the night, mysterious, unique and infinite. - Nyx

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god of the Sea and Earthquakes. Also 🐴Horse King!🐴

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goddess of the Hunt and Wilderness.

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In is the of and Her name is or She is an important companion of She was an daughter of and and her consort was

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Interested in Like Have we got a treat for you! Not one, but two books by the amazing and on sale now!

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Ever wonder what leather-faced mangy-moo-cows use to wash their hair? This and a thousand other questions answered in our newest book has never been so much fun!

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So Nyx won by a landslide. Considering how designed her, I'm not surprised 😍


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6. Crommyonian Sow
The is a in who eats people. Sometimes it is owned by an old woman called and sometimes Phaia transforms into the pig.

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In dreams were personified as part of the "tribe of Dreams" (φῦλον Ὀνείρων), a group of unnamed offspring of Nyx. Morpheus and his brothers came later, from the Roman poet Ovid, and were members of the "Somnia", children of Somnus.

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11. Phantasos
In was the of he represents the inanimate objects seen in – images of earth, rock, water, and wood

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5. Phobetor
In was the personification of and appeared in in the form of animals or in order to frighten those who would be unfortunate enough to welcome him into their minds as they slumbered.

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Sooo I decided to make the updated Hera because she looks so badass in this outfit 👉🏼👈🏼

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