Je ne sais pas si vous connaissez Albertus Seba, pharmacien et naturaliste hollandais mort le 2 mai 1736. Mais les 4 volumes in folio décrivant son cabinet de curiosités valent le détour ! Sur : Pas pu résister aux hérissons et au pangolin 😉

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The first written and graphic documentation on the discovery of a fragment of dinosaur bone was in 1677. A naturalist of the XVIII called it Scrotum humanum, thinking it was petrified testicles. This fossil, now lost, is probably a Megalosaurus femur.

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Frogs in the park: we keep hoping.....Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium : in qua omnes earum proprietates, praesertim quae ad generationem ipsarum pertinent, fusius enarrantur, by AJ Rosel von Rosenhof et al.....1758, BHL/Smithsonian....

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Two character designs. Charles Darwin the Naturalist and Thomas Edison the inventor of light bulbs and the lightning wizard.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY José Malhoa ( Portuguese naturalist painter)

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Cadliroz, Skyrim orsimer who specializes in 2-handed weapons and is an amateur naturalist who has a small journal she doodles bugs and flowers and presses petals in as she gathers them for her dunmer alchemist team-mate, Dorian.

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5. Honestamente razón tal cual no tengo(? PERO EL ROL CON SENSEI ME AYUDA MUCHO ALSNAK

Los creo especialmente cuando veo que hay un “espacio” que debe ser ocupado para darle mas “naturalidad” a la “trama” y que no forzarla(??

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On John James Audubon's birthday, check out a graphic novel that depicts the artist and naturalist like you've never seen him before.

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1/ in 1785 John James Audubon was born at Les Cayes, Santo Domingo, Haiti. An ornithologist, artist and naturalist, Audubon is most famous for 'The Birds of America (1827–1839)' which featured colour plates that depicted life size American birds.

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Birthday in the park: James John Audubon, 1785-1851, ornithologist, naturalist, painter.......

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Born John James Audebon pioneering American ornithologist naturalist & renowned for his detailed illustrations of American birds in their natural habitats in his landmark The Birds of America 1 of finest ornithological works ever completed

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🦎 Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, et iconibus artificiosissimis expressio, per universam physices historiam: .
Amstelaedami: Apud J. Wetstenium, & Gul. Smith, & Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1734-1765.

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was in level design class when I remembered this great post on naturalistic landscape + stylized art direction by an artist on Allods Online, a now-forgotten Russian WoW... google translate works ok, but imo the diagrams explain themselves, so good

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3/3 Agneta Block was a patron of naturalist/artist Maria Sibylla Merian, who recorded this pineapple w/ exciting cockroaches in her Insects of Surinam, 1705.

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Like the rest of the art world, we at Dickinson were sorry to hear of the death of ‘the last of the adventurers’: photographer, artist and naturalist Peter Beard. Today we remember Beard with Francis Bacon's ‘Studies for Portrait, Diptych (Peter Beard)’ (1976).

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Harriet Morgan Scott (1830 -1907), illustratrice professionnelle de l'histoire naturelle de l'Australie. Travaille avec sa sœur Helena. Naturaliste et collectionneuse qualifié.
➡️Harriet Scott, 1853.
➡️Aglaosoma lauta & Cerura Australis.

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Birthday in the park: William Bartram, 1739-1823, naturalist.............

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