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If you're going to film me, film me fast... it's embarrassing.

73 853

Happy 🐉

Lewis Carroll's poem Jabberwocky was likely based on the Sockburn Worm [Dragon] folktale.

In Burton's film, the Jabberwocky is a huge dragon under the control of The Red Queen.

Alice in Wonderland, 2010
dir. Tim Burton

10 19

Unos globos "de por Mutio🇫🇷 y 🇺🇸

➕#humor cinematográfico reciente

1 2

The director "Dune the Sisterhood", Johan Renck, left the production because his vision for the HBO Max series did not match that of film director Denis Villeneuve.

Shirley Henderson, the protagonist of the series, also left the production, which has been temporarily suspended.

7 50

Ricou Browning past away yesterday. Not familiar with the name? He played a truly iconic character but could walk down the street unnoticed. You don't even have to be a buff to recognize the character, it popped up so often in pop culture. THIS one...

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Tahun ini saya kembali menerima undangan (yang kelima) untuk menulis laporan industri sinema Indonesia dalam booklet MADE IN ASIA bagian dari festival film BIFAN, Korea.
Setelah dua tahun terpaksa menulis dengan kering berkerut, kali ini tidak lagi!

9 71

Some of the amazing concept art created by over the years, for films like Slumberland, The Matrix, and Harry Potter.

Start a free trial and learn about his illustration workflows for film and TV at https://t.co/0hgnp9RGye

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Makoto Shinkai (Your Name) déclare que son prochain film sortirait dans « 3 ou 4 ans »

Source : avant-première de Suzume no Tojimari

41 353

Le film Suzume était aussi touchant que drôle, du très bon Makoto Shinkai avec une excellente animation !

La FAQ à la fin de la projection a permis de mieux comprendre ses inspirations et franchement ça te fait encore plus kiffer son univers

Et les ost… Magnifique film

58 652

It’s open to interpretation, I suppose, but, personally, I believe that if Rorschach, either comic or film, truly was as uncompromising as he, as well as the people who believe he’s the true hero of Watchmen, built himself up to be, he wouldn’t have been crying before he died.

18 93

I Thread ! ✨
Tu as envie de tout connaitre sur le nouveau film d'animation de ZAG ? Alors déroule ce thread, il contient toutes les infos, 3D models, concept arts, et autres contenus du futur film "Melody" !
Et même l'équipe de production (exclusivité) 🥳

37 263

Here’s my tribute poster inspired by the whild fun film inspired by the true events 🐻✨ Can't wait to see it this Saturday!

Poster painted in Adobe Fresco with oil pastel brushes.

©2023 Liza Shumska

38 235

Long thread🧵on everything official we know about Avatar 3 up until this point. The release date of the film December 20, 2024. The film was written by James Cameron, Amanda Silver and Rick Jaffa.

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Why the hell didn't anyone tell me a second Ernest & Celestine film is a thing? Now I can't wait!

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He would continue his partnership with Musker and Clements by working in the story department for Aladdin, and then went on developing the stories for pretty much almost every Disney renaissance film. 3/6

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韓国発転生ファンタジー「外科医エリーゼ」TVアニメ化決定 制作はMAHO FILM https://t.co/cL51EUt5ia

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son dernier film Appolo 1/2 (2022) est passé maxi inaperçu alors que c'est un super film sur l'enfance et les souvenirs,, oui j'aime bcp ce real bref! je vous conseille d'aller jeter un oeil à ses films... je pourrai faire un essai sur chacun de ses métrages si on m'arrête pas

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