Repeat after me: “ are undervalued!”

28 163

Love my two pieces so much. Also all other pieces of art by that I've collected.

2 11

He's trying to be all about it but isn't a yet; let's go, bud. Get with the program

1 17

Some recent 3D Doodles NFT Commissions! OG & GG Styling

13 113

Already more fun than most. Such clean crisp art 👌
Stoked I finally joined a tribe.

are beautiful

Gorilla Tribe Massive 🤘

Quantum Metadata MF 🔥

8 18

Today I became the proud owner of my 2nd and I couldn't be happier 🥳 Who else has bought a SSS in the last few days?

4 124

Super excited to join the cause with Was going to introduce him yesterday but he injured one eye so I got him fixed up. Looking good now. LFG running!

9 119