Samana was the founder of the the Maputo base with Anu but was exiled over a dispute and he became one of the villains of SKY GODZ Season 1.

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Beings from Alnitak in the Orion belt are peaceful, highly evolved and part of the Orion League.

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Sargon is the bitter and vengeful chief sientist at the Maputo base and one of the villains of SKY GODZ Season 1.

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Zini is a genetic engineer at the Anunnaki base and deeply in love with Enlil who just uses her for his own purposes.

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Ki is one of Anu's lovers but significant because she's the mother of Enlil, making him Enki's half-brother. She's still on Nibiru but not with Anu anymore.

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New series featuring some of the secondary Anunnaki characters. Dumu is the main operating officer of at the Maputo base. He'a also had a relationship with Nin on Nibiru.

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New series featuring some of the secondary Anunnaki characters. Sina is the chief of security at the Maputo base.

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Isis was a major goddess in ancient Egypt but may have also been an extraterrestrial from the planet Altea.

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Lots has been written about the connection between ancient Egypt and Sirius. How could the Egyptians have posessed all the astronomical knowledge?

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The Akonowai bird aliens are a beautiful and coloful race of Sirians from the 3rd planet of Sirius B.

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